The ABCMC Region is gathering resources here to help churches and ​communities adapt to the changing needs of the world during this pandemic. Please send best practices and helpful tools you want to share with the region to the Regional Administrator.
Public Health Guidelines
Worship and Service Planning
Prayers and Litanies
Public Witness and Advocacy
Church Finances
Financial Support for People in Need
Pastoral Care and Other Programs
Lessons Amidst Disaster: Open Letter to Colleagues in Ministry
Text 'TALK' or 'HABLAR' to 552020 to speak with a mental health professional
Caring for Congregants with Mesothelioma (or other risk factors)
"Triumph of the Quotidian" Ministry Reflection by Rev Michael Woolf
Seminario Evangelico de Puerto Rico: Webinars on COVID Ministry
Moral Injury
Children & Family​
Transitioning to Building Usage